What We Do
In Victoria, the Royal Flying Doctor Service works in partnership with a number of community health organisations across the state to improve the health and wellbeing of our rural communities. We believe in creating opportunities so all Victorians have the choice to access essential health care services.
From non-emergency patient transports by air and by road to primary health services reaching the furthest corners of our state, RFDS Victoria ensures that great health care is accessible to all, no matter where you live.

Flying Doctor Dental Clinic
In partnership with Dental Health Services Victoria, Flying Doctor Dental provides examinations, oral health promotion and treatment services via purpose-built dental trucks and fixed clinics in rural and remote communities across Victoria.
Flying Doctor Dental Clinic
Rural Women's GP service
The Rural Women's GP service brings female GPs to small communities across Victoria, ensuring patients have gender choice when it comes to their doctor.
Rural Women's GP service
Flying Doctor Wellbeing
Utilising travelling clinicians, telehealth and phone consultations, Flying Doctor Wellbeing provides access to free mental health and wellbeing services for people living in remote and rural communities.
Flying Doctor Wellbeing
Flying Doctor Community Transport
RFDS Victoria partners with local health services to provide a free community transport service for community members to access their health appointments and planned social support groups.
Flying Doctor Community Transport
Flying Doctor Speech Therapy
Language delay during early childhood can have a long-term impact; affecting literacy, quality of life, mental health and social opportunity. Flying Doctor Speech Therapy ensures there are dedicated services for children in communities of need across western Victoria.
Flying Doctor Speech Therapy
Flying Doctor Mobile Eye Care
In partnership with the Australian College of Optometry, Flying Doctor Eye Care provides eye exams, referrals and dispensing of glasses to communities who would otherwise have to travel to access essential eye care.
Flying Doctor Mobile Eye Care
Flying Doctor Telehealth
Supporting rural patients with complex or chronic health needs, Flying Doctor Telehealth allows patients to have a 100% bulk-billed appointment with their specialist via a secure video link, thereby reducing the time and burden of travelling long distances.
Flying Doctor Remote Specialist
Flying Doctor Mobile Patient Care
With a fleet of more than 100 road vehicles and a Beechcraft King Air aircraft, we provide vital patient transport services across Victoria and New South Wales.
Mobile Patient Care
Flying Doctor First Aid Service
RFDS Victoria provides a medical support services for event organisers and patrons attending events throughout Victoria.
Flying Doctor First Aid Service
Flying Doctor Memory Lane
Memory Lane allows Victorians living in end-of-life or palliative care to revisit a favourite destination with their loved ones.
Flying Doctor Memory Lane