Flying Doctor Remote Specialist

Access to health services is a problem faced by many rural Victorians. Some barriers for access include the cost of appointment and travel, time off work and long wait lists.

Many rural communities do not have nearby access to specialist services, requiring patients to travel significant distances to Melbourne or larger regional centres to manage their health. Hindered access to specialist services often leads to patients delaying seeking specialist care, which can result in avoidable hospitalisation and complications.

To combat this lack of access to specialist services, RFDS Victoria launched a telehealth specialist service in November 2013.

Doctor speaking to a patient with another doctor in the background on a video conference

Why the Flying Doctor offer this service

Using a purpose built platform, RFDS Victoria works with small rural health services to support patients in booking and attending their online appointments.

The service allows for patients to have a 100% bulk billed appointment with their specialist, without needing to travel to Melbourne and pay for transport or accommodation.

Specialist services that are available on the Flying Doctor Remote Specialist Platform include Cardiology, Endocrinology, Geriatrics, Psychiatry Respiratory and more.

How to contact our team

For enquiries relating to Flying Doctor Remote Specialist in Victoria, please call (03) 8412 0444.

Our communities 

See below the Victorian communities that accessed Flying Doctor Remote Specialist in the last financial year.

Telehealth map

Refer to the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights for information about the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system.