Zoe first heard about the Royal Flying Doctor Service early in her nursing studies, when a friend flew on an RFDS aircraft during their student nursing placement. It wasn’t until Zoe was working in an Emergency Department (ED) when she decided she wanted to be a Retrieval Nurse.

After receiving critical patients from RFDS crews, Zoe discovered the importance of the role of an RFDS Retrieval Nurse and saw first-hand the impact they had on patient outcomes. She was drawn to the idea of joining the team after seeing the close-knit, highly skilled crews that transferred patients into her care in the ED.
Zoe had nursing and critical care qualifications and several years of emergency experience to put her in good stead to work at the RFDS. The final thing she needed to be an eligible candidate was her midwifery qualifications.
"A colleague of mine had seen the RFDS WA Midwifery Scholarship advertised and overheard my interest in the RFDS," said Zoe.

The scholarship meant I had the financial support to reduce my hours at work and really focus on study. I certainly would’ve struggled to achieve this qualification without it.
ZoeZoe was awarded the RFDS WA Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship, funded by Morgans Financial, and spent the next two years studying, while working as a nurse. While it was a challenge to study and continue her work in the ED, Zoe remained determined.

“Focusing on your work life balance and using your support systems are what get you through. If you’re motivated, you can achieve anything!”
Upon completion of her studies, Zoe began work at the RFDS WA, starting with three weeks of flight and transfer training. Zoe will be working remotely on a fly-in fly-out schedule.
“Working and living remotely will be a new experience for me and I am looking forward to the challenge. I feel honoured to be part of a team that services every corner of our beautiful state and cannot wait to dive straight in,” said Zoe.