Laura McKenney was a 21 year old nursing student when she was involved in a near-fatal car rollover in the southern wheatbelt town of Pingrup and was retrieved by the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Her critical injuries meant she had to learn to walk and talk again.

In October 2023, Laura, her family and friends joined together as Laura’s Army to participate in the Oceans to Outback campaign in support of RFDS. Laura’s Army became the top fundraising team in Western Australia, raising an incredible $22,000.
Laura took on the Oceans to Outback fitness challenge as she was re-learning to walk independently and included it as part of her recovery. Laura’s friends helped her to make it fun and involved her in every way they could.
“Together we inspired each other to be strong, hardworking and independent, ultimately leading to Laura’s discharge from hospital. Laura walked out the front doors of the Fiona Stanley Rehab Centre unassisted, which is something none of us could have imagined in the beginning,” said Laura’s sister Emily.

Without the RFDS our Laura would not be here today and because of this the organisation holds a very special place in our hearts.
As a regional family with farming connections, Emily says a lot of their friends, extended family and neighbours have their own personal RFDS stories.
This year Laura’s Army has set a fundraising target of $25,000 and will be putting out tins in the communities of Walpole, Bow Bridge and Peaceful Bay, where they live and work, to help grow their total.