An eagle-eyed 6PR Breakfast listener, known as ‘Lobster’, has played a wicked game of ‘spot the difference’ with the old and new versions of the Australian $20 note which features our founder Reverend John Flynn.
Instigating quite the stir on the show this morning, Lobster brought it to our attention that the call-signs on the Flying Doctor aircraft featuring on the old and new Australian $20 note weren’t the same!
How great to have aviation history buffs call in and help get to the bottom of the mystery! We also called in to clarify the airplane on the old and new $20 note features different planes, thus the different serial numbers!
It's led us to take a trip down memory lane and reflect on our history and evolution of our aircraft - the story (see video) brought to life in a recent campaign we activated with our principal corporate partner Rio Tinto last year when the new $20 note launched.