aerial rottnest

Swim for your Flying Doctor at the 2021 Rottnest Channel Swim

Date published

12 Nov 2020

Did you know Rottnest Island is Flying Doctor country? Our crews in WA retrieve on average 53 patients a year from Rottnest Island who find themselves in an unexpected medical emergency. Support your Flying Doctor so we can continue to be there for all who live, work and holiday in WA.

John Peacey participant raised $10K for RFDS

Medical student John Peacey put some power behind his stroke at last year’s Rottnest Channel Swim knowing his fundraising efforts would make a difference in the lives of thousands of Western Australians.

Nominating to support the Flying Doctor via the Rottnest Channel Swim was a no-brainer for John who has worked alongside RFDS crews at Albany Hospital to prepare patients for transfer to Perth to access specialist care.

Participating in last year's event, John rallied his friends and family in what was a monumental effort and raised nearly $10,000 in support of the Flying Doctor. 

"Having now spent some time completing medical training in Albany, I have seen just how complex medical transfers are and take the RFDS less for granted," he said. 

"No doubt I have only seen a drop in the bucket compared to some of the fair dinkum rescues in the sticks! If you're thinking about doing a Rotto swim solo or in a team, I strongly recommend getting behind the RFDS. 

"If you aren't far out of the pensioners lane like me, it also can't hurt that they know where you are in case you need them if the channel gets hairy."

You can nominate to support the Flying Doctor in WA in the 2021 Rottnest Channel Swim here: