Urgent flight for Albany baby

Urgent flight for Albany baby

Date published

14 Dec 2020

“Seeing your baby turn blue and struggling to breathe is terrifying,” says Albany mum, Tammy.

Grace turning on the charm inflight

In November 2020, Tammy noticed her four-month-old baby Grace making a strange noise at the end of each breath. With her daughter’s complex cardiac history, Tammy had been taught to recognise signs of respiratory distress in her young daughter.

“My baby girl turned blue – a sign not to muck around with.’’

Tammy remained level-headed in the emergency situation to provide her daughter with the best fighting chance.

“I was so scared of losing her,” Tammy recalls.

“I got the ambulance on the phone who explained what I had to do, I unlocked my front door and I gathered Grace’s PCH (Perth Children’s Hospital) paperwork along with her medication.”

The mother and daughter were taken to Albany hospital where Grace was put on oxygen and had an x-ray of her chest.

After liaising with the cardiac team from Perth Children’s Hospital, the Albany medical team agree Grace required an urgent transfer to Perth.

Tammy felt reassured when the RFDS crew picked her and Grace up for the flight.

“The crew were all lovely and kept me calm. Grace was looking so much better,” Tammy says.

“Grace was turning on the charm for the doctor and nurse onboard – she seemed to enjoy her flight a lot more than me.”

The pair spent the night in hospital where Grace had further tests.

With good news on her test results, Tammy was able to take her daughter back home to Albay, relieved to have the Flying Doctor when they need it most.

“They are lifesavers! It’s great to know we have the RFDS if we need to get to the city for specialised medical assistance – we are so lucky to have these services available.”

Whatever the reason, wherever you are the RFDS is there to help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Donate by calling (08) 9417 6400 or visit www.rfdswa.com.au to make a secure donation online.

Inflight treatment, Tammy and Grace
Grace's treatment
Four month old Grace