RFDS Spring Magazine

Your WA Flying Doctor Spring Magazine is out now!

Date published

31 Aug 2021
Your Flying Doctor Magazine

Filled with incredible stories of courage and resilience from our crews and patients across Western Australia, it’s one you won’t want to miss.

In the past year, the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Western Australia has retrieved and provided in-flight medical care to more than 10,000 patients across our State – retrieving 1,000 more patients than our record-breaking year in 2020.

Our crews have also treated more than 15,000 patients at our remote primary healthcare clinics, commenced remote vaccinations to protect vulnerable communities and transported more than 130 suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.

This would not have been made possible without your ongoing support and dedication of our crews.

Whether it’s a shark attack or a new baby entering the world, we are committed to finding innovative ways to improve health equity across WA.  

Thanks to you, we will remain your Flying Doctor always.