The RFDS in WA

Medical Chests

Across Western Australian there are more than 600 medical chests held at remote locations such as, homesteads, pastoral stations, roadhouses, national parks, Indigenous communities, outback schools, mine sites and off-shore vessels.
Medical chests are lockable steel containers containing a wide range of medicines, which enable emergency and non-emergency treatment for people living, working and travelling in extreme isolation from professional medical care.
A person needing medical help can receive advice from an RFDS doctor via telephone who then is able to prescribe appropriate medication from the on-site chest.
The contents of the medical chest cover a wide range of medical conditions. Many drugs are classified ‘prescription-only’ and must only be used under direction of a registered RFDS doctor.
Call 08 9417 6300 or email for more information about becoming a chest holder.
Read about Dr Hakan's story, when he and his family had to make use of medical chests while on holiday in the Kimberley.

Distance from medical care - Medical chests are only approved to remote locations greater than 80km from professional medical care (i.e. hospital, health centre). Exceptions may be made for communities who are closer than 80km if they are separated by geographic features which cause inaccessibility (e.g. roads cut off in wet season).
Adequate telecommunications - Chest holders must have the capacity to be in telephone communication with the RFDS in order to obtain authorisation for use of restricted items.

A medical chest must be kept locked at all times when not in use.
The contents of a medical chest must be checked regularly for expired items and general completeness.
Highlighted prescription drugs are only to be used under RFDS doctor's instruction.
Medical chests are registered to a location and must not be moved without the permission of RFDS.
For further details on managing a medical chest or to apply, call the Medical Chest Coordinator on 08 9417 6300 or email