The RFDS in WA

Our Latest Campaign

Our crews aren't the only ones who save lives

Your donation could save a life like Carol's

Carol in hospital

In April last year Carol was on holiday with her family in Coral Bay, a tradition that spans over 30 years. 

After a morning swim, Carol was at their campsite when she felt a sudden prick on her toe, much like an ant bite or march fly.

What felt like nothing suddenly became a serious emergency when they spotted a huge Western Brown snake slithering into the bushes.

Within moments, Carol's head started to feel like it was going to explode - she knew she had been bitten.

Carol and her family travelled down a long dirt road to make it to the Coral Bay Nursing Post. From there, she was picked up by the RFDS to be taken to Carnarvon Hospital.

On the flight, Dr Crystal administered two doses of different snake anti-venom to make sure all bases were covered.

Once Carol arrived at Carnarvon Hospital, her condition deteriorated quickly as the venom attacked her vital organs. She needed specialist toxicology care, so was sent on her second RFDS flight to Perth.

After two weeks in hospital, they were hopeful Carol’s kidneys would repair themselves, but they didn’t. Carol is now on dialysis treatment three times a week, but as a passionate health professional and mother of five children she continues to remain positive.

Our crews aren't the only ones who can save lives. Your donation - big and small - will go a long way in ensuring we can deliver the finest care all over Western Australia ✈