The RFDS in WA

Join our Support Crew
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our Support Crew. We are really excited that you want to join our support team to help people who live, work and travel throughout remote and very remote Western Australia, when they need urgent medical help.
It takes a lot to keep the Flying Doctor in the air. Our fleet of aircraft are fully equipped emergency wards in the sky, and we need your help to ensure we are ready to respond – 24/7 – to medical emergencies throughout Western Australia.
As a Support Crew member, you will join a special group of supporters who make regular donations to keep the Flying Doctor in the air.

Your Benefits
When you sign up to become a member of this exclusive crew, your regular support helps to ensure the Royal Flying Doctor Service continues to be there for all Western Australians.
Year round, you will be helping the Flying Doctor to save lives. You become an important extension of our core team of dedicated pilots, doctors, nurses, maintenance crew and support staff.
As a member of the Flying Doctor Support Crew, you will also receive:
- Support Crew Welcome Pack
- Regular updates about how your donation is saving lives
Sign up today and make a real difference
Here is how you can join our Support Crew:
- Post - complete the form within the Support Crew brochure and return this via post to Support Crew Officer, 3 Eagle Drive Jandakot WA 6164
- Email - complete the form within the Support Crew brochure and return this via email to
- Phone - sign up over the phone by calling us on (08) 9417 6400
- Online