The RFDS in WA

Aircraft medical fit-out
Every RFDS aircraft in Western Australia contains a customised and permanent aero medical fit-out including stretchers, patient loading system, storage, communications, medical oxygen, suction and electrical power. Our fleet of 14 Pilatus PC-12 aircraft are outfitted in an identical manner with two AFTS (Australian Flight Test Systems) stretchers and a simple powered stretcher loading system.
We are fortunate to have a completely standardised fit-out across the fleet and all of our PC-12 aircraft are interchangeable across our six operating locations. There are significant benefits of a standardised fit-out, not just for pilots but for medical teams. Less time is required for aircraft familiarisation training, staff are more familiar with the layout of the working environment and are able to identify the location of emergency medical equipment more readily.
Our Retrieval Equipment is also standardised across the state.
A simple overview of our fit-out specifications are outlined in our National Standards document below.

The interior of our Pilatus PC-12 aircraft are fitted out by our highly skilled engineers- watch the timelapse video to see it unfold.