The RFDS in WA

Dental Services
Many people living in WA's vast and remote regions do not have access to a regular dental service.
Recognising the important link between oral health and overall health, the RFDS delivers a free dental service to people faced with geographical and/or socioeconomic barriers.
The RFDS dental health team in WA reaches patients in the Goldfields, Midwest and Kimberley regions to provide vital oral health education, screening and treatment.
Dental health services are provided via a purpose-built dental van and fly-in fly-out clinics and are funded by the Commonwealth Government, Remote Area Dental Service (RADS) and corporate partner Karara Mining.

RFDS and Karara Mining
Did you know the Flying Doctor moves around WA by van as well as aircraft?
Since 2012, the Flying Doctor in partnership with Karara Mining Limited, provides residents living in the Midwest region of WA access to free dental services 25 weeks of the year.
Karara Mining is the founding partner of the RFDS’ purpose-built mobile dental van which delivers free dental services to residents in the Shires of Perenjori, Morawa and Mingenew in the Midwest region.

Unique partnership delivering dental health services in the Midwest recognised
An impactful partnership between the Flying Doctor in WA, Karara Mining and the Shires of Perenjori, Morawa and Mingenew delivering dental health services in the Midwest was recognised through a Department of Mines Community Partnership Resources Sector Award for Excellence.
More details

Our work in the Kimberley and Goldfields regions
The RFDS partners with Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) clinics in Broome, Derby, Halls Creek and Kununurra to deliver free dental health services, visiting each site on a rotational basis four times each year.
Thanks to funding provided by the Remote Area Dental Service (RADS), our team also visit the remote communities of Warburton and Wiluna eight and 10 times each year respectively.
The delivery of dental health clinics in Warburton and Wiluna are via partnership agreements with local AMS clinics and fly-in fly-out clinics facilitated by the RFDS.