Your healthcare rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights applies to all people in all places where health care is provided in Australia.

When you, or someone you care for, get health and medical services from the RFDS, you can expect our staff will support your healthcare rights:

  1. Access: the right to access services and treatment that meet your needs
  2. Safety: the right to receive high-quality care that is delivered safely
  3. Respect: the right to be treated with dignity and kindness
  4. Information: the right to clear communication about your needs
  5. Partnership: the right to be involved in decisions about your needs
  6. Privacy: the right to have your personal information securely protected
  7. Feedback: the right to have concerns addressed without fear of reprisal

Your healthcare responsibilities

To help our staff provide you with the best care possible, you can:

  1. Be honest about your medical story and health-related matters
  2. Tell us about any religious or cultural beliefs important to our care of you
  3. Treat all people caring for you with dignity and respect
  4. Ask questions or let us know if you don’t understand
  5. Follow staff instructions regarding your treatment and care
  6. Respect the confidentiality and privacy of others
  7. Tell us about your experiences

We'd love your feedback

The RFDS welcomes your praise, complaints or any ideas about improving our services.

To learn more, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare has lots of support tools to help people understand the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.

Health consumer support services

SA Health and Community Services Complaints

NT Health and Community Services Complaints

Ahpra Resources

Learn more about how the RFDS supports its patients and communities in SA/NT.